We are on fire! Easter has left us wanting more, but also with the feeling that summer is almost here (nothing of «winter is coming!»)… It’s almost time to get back on fire with all of you, and see all the videos done with our drone!
One of the things we like to take care, as always, is the image: all the pics and videos that you get along to remember and that will take your breath away for a minute. So today we have loved to discover Ben Thouard and we want to share their unique perspective with you.
Because surfing is cool, surfing photos are stunning, but these snapshots underwater really left us speechless:
The photos were taken in the French Polynesia, Tahiti, on coral beaches. The truth is that, with the force of the waves and the type of beach, Ben practically risked his live in each shot, and there also resides part of the beauty of his photos.
It’s funny because actually it transmits peace, right? But the moment was anything but quite!
In addition, Raz Campers, we can learn from these photos a few more things: that reality changes, depending on what point of view we use to see it, and that patience is the key to getting a good job: Photographer waited patiently those days of clear water to get what he wanted, like we have to look forward and have patience if we want to achieve great progress with our surfing…
So go for it!