How to make your surfing improve constantly

Good waves, RazCampistas! It is clear that this summer you achieved a great advance in your surfing, whether you start from scratch or if you already have a good level, especially those who come to see us! But the key to surfing is never giving up, even when Raz SurfCamp gets you a fuck away 🙂 Today we will share with you some of the…

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RAZ SURFCAMP, GALICIA 2016 PRIZE for private sports management.

The month Bob Dylan wins the Nobel in Literature and John John Florence the world surfing championship, we were not going to be less and give us a recognition that know us very well. By standing a moment to look back, we are the pioneers in surf camps in Spain and probably Europe. We have put all our energy in generating a distinctive tourist experience…

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RAZ SURFCAMP, PREMIO GALICIA 2016 a la gestión deportiva privada.

El mes en que Bob Dylan se gana el Nobel de Literatura y Jhon Jhon Florence el campeonato del mundo de surf , nosotros no íbamos a ser menos y nos han otorgado un reconocimiento que nos sabe muy bien, el Premio Galicia a la Gestión Deportiva Privada. Deteniéndonos un momento, echando la mirada atrás, nos damos cuenta somos los pioneros en campamentos de surf…

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Biel Miralles in Indonesia!

Our monitor-artist Biel Miralles has been enjoying a well deserved holiday in Indonesia after a long summer in Raz… Here he is surfing in Lakey Peak… ‘Yihaaaa!!   Biel tells us about this wave in lakey peak (Sumbawa Island): When this «bomb» came, I was alone at the peak and without much thought I paddled… but when I did the stand up I felt like I…

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¡Biel Miralles en Indonesia!

Nuestro monitor-artista Biel Miralles ha estado disfrutando de unas merecidas vacaciones por Indonesia después de un verano completito… Aquí lo tenemos agarrando la bomba del día en Lakey peak…. ¡¡yihaaaa!! Biel nos comenta sobre este ola en lakey peak (isla de Sumbawa): Cuando vi venir la “bomba” estaba solo en el pico y sin pensarlo mucho la remé… pero al ponerme de pie y sentir…

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RAZSURFQUOTES: Best quotes about surf

Camps this summer have been the bomb, more motivated than ever! And we know you ara all cracks who do not lack inspiration but just in case, we share with you the most beautiful famous quotes about surfing 🙂 «We are all equal before a wave» – ​​Laird Hamilton «I think when you become a surfer, is a must also to be green» – The great…

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RAZSURFQUOTES: Las mejores frases sobre surf

Este verano los Camps han sido la bomba, ¡más motivados que nunca! Y ya sabemos que sois unos cracks a los que no les falta inspiración pero, solo por si acaso, queremos compartir con vosotros las frases célebres más guapas sobre surfing 🙂 “Todos somos iguales ante una ola” – Laird Hamilton “Creo que cuando te conviertes en surfista, es casi una obligación ser también ecologista”…

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Linda Bensom: The wisdom of a pioneer

What’s up RazCampers!! In recent years we have been watching as more and are more girls come to the Camp! The truth is that it is a trend that we love… but women have been interested in surfing since its inception!  Surfer Magazine has posted a great article about the great Linda Benson and we wanted to translate the main ideas of the text…

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Linda Bensom: La sabiduría de una pionera

¡¡Qué pasa RazCampistas!! En los últimos años hemos estado observando como cada vez sois más y más niñas y chicas las que os animáis a venir, ¡y menudas máquinas! La verdad es que es una tendencia que nos flipa… ¡pero las mujeres se han interesado por el surf desde sus inicios! En Surfer Magazine han publicado un artículo genial sobre la gran Linda Benson…

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Essentials for summer as a RazCamper

We are almost in summer! A new season in Raz SurfCamp, leisure, sun, beach… Everything we like for three months of endless possibilities for you, and for us! This year we start with the batteries fully charged and raring to see you, as always. We want you to enjoy an incomparable summer but… what are the surfer’s essentials for the summer season? Waves. Of course!…

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