Happy Halloween Raz Surfcampers! Although in Galicia we are more of Samaín. Google it ‘cause it’s very interesting and, if you’re interested in it, we can make a post about it someday. Magical Galicia!
Today is a day of scary things, and we want to talk with you about the most common fears among surfers. As, for example, XXL waves. Think of surfing one; just for a second. You, your board, and that giant wave that is approaching … do not you feel a sense of panic? Most surfers do. Only a few desperately seek the adrenaline of facing a wave like that and … ole them!
Photo: Red Bull
And let’s not talk about sharks, with the stories we’ve heard! Fanning’s event was almost a miracle. We all get fear if we go to a spot where there are supposed to be sharks … Thank you in Razo there is not anywhere near! The truth is that we must not forget this fear but channel it, so that, if it happens, we are prepared and we can get out of this terrible situation.
Without a doubt, localism is one of our worst fears. This phenomenon can turn your surftrip into hell in a matter of a minute and, although nowadays there is less and more moderate … we must take into account the unwritten «rules» of surfing when we go to a new spot!
Currents and storms are also a delicate theme for many surfers. We always put a lot of emphasis on knowledge of the terrain. Having controlled the currents and knowing how to react is essential to avoid shocks. As for storms, we basically recommend you do not surf when there are … We understand that many people who are looking for adrenaline are willing to surf with lightning on their head, but … it is not recommended at all.
The fact is that all these fears are not bad at all, but we cannot let them won us. It is always good to be alert but the most important thing, as always, is to enjoy our favorite sport and really go for it!